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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Procrastinators guide to traffic

In this guide, I won’t give you tips on how to overcome procrastinating. But what I
will do is give you some procrastinator-friendly methods for generating traffic.
You can do them while you’re distracted; you can do them at the last minute; and
you can do them in a short period of time.

Gold Recovery: How to recover gold from ink cartridges

Another excellent video from "Moose Scrapper" on how to recover gold from ink cartridges.

Some ribbons have adhesive on one side and will not work in this reaction. You may have to incinerate them with your IC's and flat packs. Very easy process with HCL ( Muriatic acid) and bleach to make Auric chloride.


Check out other awesome videos by Moose Scrapper 

Have a great day and an awesome 2014 :-)