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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Websites to Avoid! - Blog on APSense

Websites to Avoid! - Blog on APSense

In the following list you'll find many variations of websites that claim to be legitimate, but are not, they scam you out of your hard earned cash. The Job Placement centres are also taking a knock, a lot of sites claim to have online positions available for you, but you need to pay them a registration fee. This is nonsense, all legitimate Job Placement centres get paid by the company that needs employees. If you are unemployed, dont give out your last bit of cash to get a bogus online job, do it through a legitimate Placement centre. This is just a short list of some scam sites, there's thousands, and daily new scam sites are started.

Friday, November 12, 2010

GoDo Australia Review by ianb1970

GoDo Australia Review by ianb1970

GoDo is an online booking service for activities. We work with hundreds of activity suppliers across Australia so that customers can book the perfect activity online instantly – be it tandem sky diving, hot air ballooning or V8 racing – on the particular day that they want to do it. We’re trying to make the process of planning weekends, holidays and days off as painless as possible with thousands of activities to choose from.